PLANET NOVASwitch series
There are six options available for the console setup:
(1) Trunk / VLAN Setting
(2) Port Status
(3) Port Setting
(4) Factory Setting
(5) Redundant Link
(6) Save Setting
To enter any of the sub-menu, simply follow the instruction and
type the number on the command line, and press ENTER.
4.2 Trunk/ VLAN Setting
Select “1” from <Console Menu>
(1) Trunking (2) VLAN Setting (3) Exit >>
Set up the TRUNKING or VLAN Group
Be noted: the Switch support either TRUNKING or VLAN. As
soon as one is enabled, it also means the other is turned off at the
mean time.
No Trunking or VLAN Group in the device
4.2.1 Trunking Group Setting
Select “1” from Sub Menu, press “ENTER”
4-port Trunk on Port 1/2/3/4
2-Port Trunk on Port 1/2
SWITCH in 1-VLAN mode
Trunk (1) Disable (2)2-Port (3)4-Port (4)Cancel Setting>>
Assign Trunk group setting option.