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5.5.2 Scrolling Through MAC Addresses
To scroll through the list of active MAC addresses corresponding to the selected port:
1. If the MAC Addresses screen is not the current screen, press the Tab key until it becomes the
current screen. The status bar at the bottom of the screen acquires the <Enter>View and
<s>Search functions.
2. Use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow key to scroll through the list of active MAC addresses for the
selected port.
3. To search for a MAC address, press S. When the search prompt appears, enter a MAC address in
the Enter MAC Addr to Search: screen and press the Enter key. If the address is found, it is
highlighted in the Port MAC Addresses screen.
4. To obtain additional information about a particular MAC address, scroll to the address in the Port
MAC Address screen and press the Enter key. Screens similar to the following appear, showing
detailed information about the selected MAC address.
5.5.3 Hiding or Displaying the Port Column
The Per Port Statistics screen has a column between the port number and statistics columns that
shows the port designations on the Switch. In this column, the Switch’s 10/100M ports are designated
with the numbers 1 through 24, while the Switch’s expansion module ports are designated with the