Plasmon D875 - D2175 User Manual Product Overview
Document Revision E Page 11
General Information
The D875 - D2175 libraries make multiple CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RAM, and DVD-RW media
available to computer systems for reading and writing using Multi Drive technology. These libraries are
scalable with capacities ranging from 750 to 2175 media. A media transport element (MTE) with a dual
picker makes rapid media exchanges and provides high performance in a multi-user environment. A
patented Rotation Station
™ allows use of both single and double sided media.
Library Models
This manual covers the following Plasmon libraries:
Table 1. D875 - D2175 Library Models
The number of media slots varies because adding a drive module, which holds two drives, subtracts 25
media storage slots.
Command Processing
The library responds to SCSI commands from a host computer system to load and unload drives, and
move media within the library.
Media Movement
The media transport element (MTE) is used to move media between the media storage area and the
drives or the I/E port. To speed the process, the MTE can hold two pieces of media simultaneously.
Bulk Loading and Unloading Media
Bulk loading and unloading of media is performed by using the ten slot magazines, and the Bulk Load
Library and Bulk Unload Library front panel menu options.
Model Number of Media Slots Number of Drives
D875 750 to 875 2 to 12
D1525 1400 to 1525 2 to 12
D2175 2050 to 2175 2 to 12