After each training session, you'll get an instant summary of your session.The summary includes:
l Duration of your session
l Distance
l Average and maximum heart rate
l Average and maximum speed/pace
l Altitude-compensated calories and fat burn % of calories
l Training Benefit:Textual feedback, for example Steady state
training+, is displayed if you trained at least a total of 10
minutes in the sport zones. For more information, see Train-
ing Benefit.
l Time spent on each heart rate zone
l Average and maximum cadence
l Ascent and descent
l Maximum altitude
Lap details
l Lap number and time
l Distance
l Average heart rate
l Average speed
l Average cadence
To view your training summary later, go to HISTORY > Sessions.
The V650 saves the summary of your ride in HISTORY > Sessions. There you can see a list of your sessions
with the following information: date, start time, profile and bike.