If the Polaris cleaner displays the following
actions, adjustments may be necessary to
restore performance. Refer to exploded
arts diagram for part references.
Action: Hangs up on steps or other
obstacles for longer than 3
Solution: 1. Check the wheel RPM.
2. Verify the back-up valve
is cycling.
3. Adjust the thrust jet.
4. Remove unnecessary pool
hardware or install a Ladder
Guard Kit (order part #G21
from a Polaris dealer).
Action: Polaris is sluggish, running
with less power than normal.
Solution: 1. Check the filter screen in
the in-line filter and clean,
if necessary.
2. Clean the skimmer basket,
pump basket, and pool filter.
3. Check all of the hoses,
connections, and swivels for
leaks that could cause loss of
water pressure.
Check the wheel RPM.
Action: Polaris flies around the pool
and/or does not make contact
with the bottom.
Solution: 1. Confirm that the blue
restrictor disk is installed in
the UWF to decrease water
flow. Or, install the red
restrictor disk to decrease
water flow even more.
2. Check the wheel RPM.
more than 32 RPM, unscre
the pressure relief valve to
decrease water flo
w to
the cleaner
pressure relief valve should
only be adjusted when a
ictor is installed.
3. Verify the back-up valve is
cycling. Hold the valve out of
the water and watch the jet. It
hould come on and go off.
Action: Polaris does not back up.
Solution: 1. Verify the back-up valve
is cycling.
2. Check the wheel RPM.
3. If the bag is full, empty it.
4. If head float has water in it,
replace it.
5. Make sure feed hose is
Action: Polaris only turns in one
Solution: 1. Adjust the thrust jet.
2. Make sure feed hose
is floating.
Action: Feed hose becomes tangled.
Solution: 1. Remeasure the hose to verify
that it is adjusted to the
proper length for the
pool shape.
2. With the Polaris operating,
check that the swivels in
the hose and the hose
connections tur
n freely.
3. Make sure feed hose
is floating.
4. With the Polaris turned off,
spin each of the wheels. All
wheels should turn together.
Action: Sweep hose is sucked into
the v
acuum tube
Solution: 1. Make sure the opening at the
end of the s
eep hose is not
blocked by the sweep hose
2. Adjust the sweep hose to a
gentle sweeping motion.