
General Maintenance
Coolant Mixture
The coolant supplied i n the system is a 50/50 mixture of
ethylene-glycol and distilled water. This mixture provides protection
against freezing at temperatures to -34° F (-37° C). If greater
protection is required, the percentage of antifreeze to water may be
increased. Use Premium 60/40 anti-freeze coolant, which is already
premixed and ready to use. Do not dilute with water. Never exceed a
60% antifreeze/40% water mixture. Contact your dealer if greater
protection is required. See page 134 for Polaris products.
NOTE: Never add tap water to the cooling system. Minerals cause
deposits and may react adversely with the metals in the
engine and cooling system.
Coolant High Temperature Indicator Light
The high temperature indicator light is controlled by a switch i n the
engine cooling system on liquid cooled models. If the engine coolant
reaches a certain temperature, the switch completes a circuit that turns
the light on. If you must drive your machine after the high temperature
indicator light has come on, drive slowly and stop frequently to allow
the engine to cool down. See your dealer.
n Coo lan t Level
Always maintain the coolant level between the minimum and
maximum marks on the coolant bottle (when engine is cold) to prevent
overheating and serious engine damage.
Operating the snowmobile with insufficient coolant will result in
overheating and serious engine damage. Always maintain the
coolant level as recommended.