Parallel Generator Operation
Parallel operation procedure
While operating in parallel, the only AC output is through the receptacle
on the parallel cable box.
Do not use the receptacles on the control panel of the generator.
The required output of the electrical appliance cannot exceed the rated
output of parallel generators.
Shutting off the generators
1. Turn off the power of electrical appliance then, pull out the
receptacle plug.
2. Turn off the two generators.
3. Disconnect the parallel kits from the generators.
• The parallel cable connectors can only be used with POLARIS parallel ready
• While connecting the generator and electrical appliance with the parallel
output cable, do so carefully and safely insert the plug into the receptacle.
• While operating in parallel, the only AC output is through the receptacle on
the parallel cable box. Do not use the receptacles on the control panel of
either generator.
• Do not disconnect the parallel cables during operation