
Driving Safely
Driving Uphill
Whenever traveling uphill, follow these precautions:
1. Always travel straight uphill.
2. Avoid steep hills (25_ maximum).
3. Keep both feet on the footrests.
4. Transfer your weight forward.
5. Proceed at a steady rate of speed and throttle opening.
6. Remain alert and be prepared to take emergency action.
This may include quick dismounting of the vehicle.
If all forward speed is lost:
Keep your weight uphill.
Apply the single lever brake, gradually. When fully stopped, apply the
auxiliary brake as well, then lock the park brake.
If the ATV begins rolling backwards:
Keep your weight uphill. Never apply engine power. Never apply the
auxiliary rear brake while rolling backwards.
Apply the single-lever brake, gradually. When fully stopped, apply the
auxiliary rear brake as well, and then lock the parking brake.
Dismount on uphill side, or to either side if ATV is pointed straight
uphill. Turn the ATV around and remount, following the procedure
described on page 63.