
Lubrication Recommendations
8. Place shop towels beneath oil filter. Using an oil filter wrench, turn
filter counterclockwise to remove.
9. Using a clean dry cloth, clean filter sealing surface on crankcase.
10. Lubricate the O-Ring on the new filter with a film of new engine oil.
Check to make sure the O-Ring i s in good condition. Also make sure
the O-ring from the old filter is not still on the engine.
11. Install new filter and tighten by hand 1/2 to 3/4 turn after gasket
12. Approximately 1 cup of engine oil will remain in the crankcase. To
drain, remove drain plug found on lower right side of crankcase.
NOTE: The sealing surfaces on the drain plug and crankcase should
be clean and free of burrs, nicks or scratches.
13. Reinstall drain plug.
14. Remove dipstick and add 2 quarts (1.9 l) of Polaris Premium 4
synthetic oil. Reinstall dipstick. NOTE: If sump is not drained, add
about 1 3/4 quarts initially.
15. Place gear selector in neutral and set parking brake.
16. Start engine and let it idle for one to two minutes. Stop engine and
inspect fo r leaks.
17. Re-check oil level on the dipstick and add oil as necessary to bring the
level to the upper m ark on the dipstick.
18. Dispose of used filter and oil properly.