
Cleaning and Storage
Storage Tips
Fog the Engine
1. Treat the fuel system with Polaris Carbon Clean, following the
instructions on the can. Run the engine for several minutes so the
Carbon Clean reaches the injectors. Turn the engine off.
2. Re move the spark plugs and add 2-3 ta blespoons of Pr emium 4
Synthetic 0W40 engine oil. T o access the plug holes, use a section of
clear 1/4” hose and a small plastic squeeze bottle fille d with the
pre- mea sure d amount of oil. NOTE: Do this ca re fully! If you miss
the plug hole s, oil will drain from the spa rk plug cavities into the hole
at the f ront of the c ylinder hea d, a nd appea r to be an oil le ak.
3. Re install the spa rk plugs. Torque to 18 ft. lbs. (24 Nm).
4. Apply dielectric grease to the inside of each spark plug cap and
reinsta ll the c aps onto the plugs.
5. Turn the engine over severa l times. Oil will be f or ce d in a nd around
the piston r ings and ring la nds, coating the c ylinder with a protective
film of f r esh oil.
6. If Polaris fuel system additive is not used, fuel tank, fuel lines, and
injectors should be completely drained of gasoline.
Inspect and Lubricate
Inspect all cables and lubricate. Follow lubrication guidelines in the
Maintenance Section of the service or owner’s manual to completely
grease and lubricate the entire vehicle with Polaris Premium All
Season Grease.