
Polaris Premium 2-cycle lubricants are the most advanced formulation of oils specifi-
cally designed for today’s2-cycle engines. Months of lab and field tests have resulted
in a new generation of 2-cycle lubricants. Polaris Premium 2-cycle lubricants provide
additives for 2-cycle engines lacking in today’s fuel that keep ring grooves cleaner for
less ring sticking and provide improved overall engine cleanliness. With new genera-
tion lubricitytechnology, they excel in meeting thelubrication demandsof today’shigh
performance 2-cycle engines. These are optimum oils recommended for liquid
cooled and air cooled 2-cycle engines. We believe these oils are the best available
in the market today.
Premium 2-Cycle Oil
Polaris also has a TC-W3 premium oil available for use in all of our 2 cycle products.
We highly recommend its use if premium gold synthetic is not used. The only oil rec-
ommended for this ATV is Polaris brand oil.
Polaris Premium 2-cycle oils will readily mix with each other, however do not mix Po-
laris Premium 2-cycle oils with any other oils as they may not be compatible and en-
gine damage may occur.