RECEIVING AND HANDLING 1....................................................................
INSTALLATION 2, 3................................................................................
MAINTENANCE 4, 5................................................................................
THERMAL PROTECTION SYSTEM 5, 6...............................................................
MOISTURE DETECTION SYSTEM 6, 7................................................................
LEAD COLOR CODING 8.........................................................................
STANDARD REPLACEMENT SEAL CROSS REFERENCE 9...........................................
STANDARD REPLACEMENT O" RING CROSS REFERENCE 9........................................
STANDARD REPLACEMENT SNAP RING CROSS REFERENCE 10......................................
It is important that these instructions be studied by the personnel installing and operating
this equipment. Read thoroughly before starting. Keep these instructions for future
The motors specified in this instruction book are U/L listed for application in Class I
Groups C and D explosionĆproof environments. All repairs, other than lead reconnects and
outer seal replacement, shall be performed by an authorized Reliance service facility. Any
other repairs performed by the customer or nonĆReliance service facilities negates the U/L
listing and motor warranty.
©Copyright Reliance Electric Industrial Company, 1996.
Revisions to this manual require Hazardous Approval Engineering and/or UL approval.
®Reliance and DutyMaster are registered trademarks of Reliance Electric Industrial Company