The autofocus system
As you press the shutter button, your camera sends
sound waves - within 10 thousandths of a second - to the
central part of the scene (approximate area circled in
white, see illustration).
The sound waves are used to measure the distance to
the person or object (in the central part of the scene) that
closest to the camera.
A built-in computer then uses this measurement to pro-
vide the correct lens setting, so
be sure that:
The sound waves must have a clear path to your subject.
an object (candlestick, centerpiece, etc.1 prevents the
sound waves from reaching your subject, the lens will
focus on that object, and your subject will not be clear
and in focus.
• When photographing more than one person,
everyone the same distance from the camera.
• When taking a picture through glass, turn off the auto-
focus system.