S Pull-In can occur when the moving chain
contacts aforeignobject inthe woodin thecut
along the bottom of the guide bar and the
chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden
stopping pulls the pruner forward and away
from the operator and could easily cause the
operator to lose control of the pruner .
S Recognizethat kickbackcanhappen. With
abasic understandingofkickback, you can
reduce the element of surprise which
contributes to accidents.
S Never let the moving chain contact any
object at the tip of the guide bar.
S Keep the working area free from
obstructions suchas othertrees,branches,
rocks, stumps, etc. Eliminate or avoid any
obstruction that your chain could hit while
you are cutting. When cutting a branch, do
notlet theguidebar contactbranch orother
objects around it.
S Keep your chain sharp and properly
tensioned. A loose or dull chain can
increase thechance ofkickback o ccurring.
Follow manufacturer’s chain sharpening
and maintenance instructions. Check
tension at regular intervals with the engine
stopped, never with the engine running.
Make sure the bar clamp nut is securely
tightened after tensioning the chain.
S Begin and continue cutting at full speed. If
thechainis movingat aslower speed,there
is greater chance of kickback occurring.
S Cut one branch at a time.
S Use extreme caution when re-entering a
previous cut.
S Do not attempt cuts starting with the tip of
the b ar (plunge cuts).
S Watch for shifting of wood or other forces that
could close a cut and pinch or fall into chain.
S Use the Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar and
Low--Kickback Chain specified for your unit.
S Keep a good, firm grip on the pruner with
both hands whenthe engine is running and
don’t letgo. A firm g ripwill helpyou reduce
kickback and maintain control. Keep the
fingers of your left handencircling andyour
left thumb under the assist handle. Keep
your right hand completely around the
throttle handle whether your are right
handed or left handed.
S Stand with your weight evenly balanced on
both feet.
S Standslightly totheleft sideofthe prunerto
keep your body from being in a direct line
with the cutting chain.
The following features are included on your
pruner to helpreduce thehazard ofkickback;
however, such features will not totally elimi-
natethis danger. Asa pruneruser,do notrely
only on safety devices. You must follow all
safety precautions, instructions, and mainte-
nance in this manual to help avoid kickback
and other forces which can result in serious
S Reduced--Kickback Guide Bar, designed
with a small radius tip which reduces the
sizeof thekickback dangerzoneon thebar
Small RadiusTip
Reduced Kickback Symmetrical GuideBar
Large RadiusTip
S Low--Kickback Chain, designed with a
contoured depth gauge and guard link
which deflect kickback force and allow
wood to gradually ride into the cutter.
Not a Low---
ickback Chain
Can Obstruct Material
Contoured Depth Gauge
Elongated Guard Link
kickback force
to gradually ride
into cutter
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause bloodvessel o rnerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or ab-
normal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas beenlinked toblood vesseldam-
ageinotherwisehealthy people. Ifsymptoms
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinuethe useofthis toolandseekmed-
ical attention. An anti--vibration system does
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. Users who operate power tools on a
continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysicalconditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.