
Flanders Filters, Inc.
531 Flanders Filter Road
Washington, NC 27889
Phone: (252) 946-8081
Fax: (252) 946-3425
Toll Free: (800) 637-2803
Website: www.anderscorp.com
Represented By:
PrecisionCell M16 Selection
All products have a rated overall DOP efciency of 92% at 0.3µm and are rated MERV 16 per ASHRAE
standard 52.2.
Filter model number breakdown.
0 - 00T - W - 16 - 00 - IU - B2 - 00 - YY- F
Filter Frame Material:
Use “16” for galvanized, “05” for
and “03” for stainless steel.
Filter Frame Style:
Use “00” for box style, “01” for single
header, “02” for double header,
and “03” for double turn ange style.
Faceguard style and location
Use “00” for none,
“G1” for expanded galvanized upstream,
“G2” for expanded galvanized downstream
“G3” for expanded galvanized both sides.
Gasket Style and Location:
Use “00” for none,
“B1” for black poly-b upstream,
“B2” for black poly-b downstream, and
“B3” for black poly-b on both sides.
Product Options
The PrecisionCell M16 lters are available as gasket
seal only, contact factory for additional options.
Gasket Seal
The standard lter gasket is 1/4” black poly-
butyl attached to the frame with a pressure
sensitive adhesive. Other gasket options are
available upon request.
The standard lter faceguard is an expanded
galvanized screen on the downstream side.
Other materials and locations are available
upon request.
Filter Size:
Filter Size Designator Filter Height Filter Width Filter Depth Rated Airow
YY-F 23-3/8” 23-3/8” 11-1/2” 2000 CFM
YU-F 23-3/8” 11-3/8” 11-1/2” 1000 CFM
YX-F 23-3/8” 19-3/8” 11-1/2” 1700 CFM
XX-F 19-3/8” 19-3/8” 11-1/2” 1400 CFM
ZX-F 24-3/8” 19-3/8” 11-1/2” 1750 CFM