BOIL Kettle Only
Fresh Vegetables:
Place 1 to 2 cups water in the multi-cooker. Set heat control at 250° and bring to a boil. Add prepared veg-
etables. Cover and return to a boil. Cook vegetables according to chart or until tender. Do not overcook. Add
boiling water if necessary. Use enough water to almost cover strong flavored vegetables or those requiring
long cooking times.
Vegetable How to Prepare Boiling Time
Asparagus Wash. Break stalks, snapping where 10-15 minutes
tender part starts.
Beans Wash. Snip ends and remove strings.
Green or wax Cook whole or in 1-inch pieces. 20-30 minutes
Lima Shell and wash. 20-30 minutes
Beets Cut off all but 1 inch of stems and root. 35-60 minutes
Wash and scrub. Peel when cooked.
Or pare and slice or cube. 15-20 minutes
Broccoli Remove outer leaves and tough part of 15-20 minutes
stalk. Split rest of stalk, almost to flowerets.
Brussels Sprouts Cut off wilted leaves. Wash. Cut large 10-15 minutes
Brussels sprouts in half lengthwise.
Cabbage Remove wilted leaves. Cut in 6 to 8 10-12 minutes
Carrots Wash and pare or scrape. Leave whole. 20-25 minutes
Or slice or cut in quarters or strips. 15-20 minutes
Cauliflower Remove leaves and some of the stem. 20-25 minutes
Leave whole.
Celery Cut off leaves; trim roots. Wash. 10-15 minutes
Corn Remove husks from fresh corn. Remove 6-8 minutes
silks with stiff brush. Rinse. Cook whole.
Or cut off tips of kernels. Scrape cob 5-8 minutes
with dull edge of knife.
Greens Cut off roots. Wash. 5-10 minutes
Kohlrabi Cut off leaves; wash, pare, and dice or 25-30 minutes
Potatoes Wash. Cook with skins on.
Cook: whole 25-40 minutes
quartered 20-25 minutes
cubed 10-15 minutes
Rutabaga Wash. Pare thinly. Slice or cube. 25-40 minutes
Turnips Wash. Pare thinly. Slice or cube. 15-20 minutes
Frozen Vegetables:
Place water and vegetables into multi-cooker according to package directions. Set heat control at 250°. Cover
and cook until tender.
Following package directions, place water and salt into multi-cooker. Set heat control at 250°. Bring water to
a rolling boil. Add pasta gradually so that the boiling is not disturbed. Continue to boil until pasta is tender.
Drain. (The steam/fry basket may be used for draining cooked pasta.)