18 Shuttle
With these considerations in mind, you can determine just how often and for how long you should charge your
Shuttles batteries. We designed the onboard charger so that it will not overcharge your scooters batteries (do not
charge them for more than 24 consecutive hours). However, you may encounter some problems if you do not
charge your batteries often enough and if you do not charge them on a regular basis. Utilizing the following five
guidelines will provide safe and reliable battery operation and charging.
n If you use your Shuttle daily, charge its batteries as soon as you finish using it for the day. Your Shuttle
will be ready each morning to give you a full day of service. We recommend that you charge your
Shuttles batteries for 8 to 14 hours after daily use.
n If you use your Shuttle once a week or less, charge its batteries at least once per week for 12 to 14 hours
at a time.
n Keep your Shuttles batteries fully charged.
n Avoid deeply discharging your Shuttles batteries.
n Do not charge your Shuttles batteries for more than 24 consecutive hours.
How can I get maximum range or distance per charge?
Rarely will you have ideal driving conditionssmooth, flat, hard driving surfaces with no wind or curves.
You will often face hills, sidewalk cracks, uneven and loosely packed surfaces, curves, and wind. All of
these driving conditions will affect the distance or running time per battery charge. Below are a few sugges-
tions for obtaining the maximum range per battery charge.
n Always fully charge your Shuttles batteries prior to your daily use.
n Maintain 30 psi (pounds per square inch) in all of your Shuttles tires.
n Plan your route ahead to avoid as many hills, cracked, broken, or soft surfaces as possible.
n Limit your baggage weight to essential items.
n Try to maintain an even speed while your Shuttle is in motion.
n Avoid stop-and-go driving.
What type and size of battery should I use?
We recommend deep-cycle batteries that are sealed and maintenance-free. Both Sealed Lead-Acid (SLA)
and Gel Cell are deep-cycle batteries that offer similar performance in your Shuttle. Do not use wet-cell
batteries, which have removable caps.
NOTE: Do not remove the caps from sealed batteries. Water cannot be added to sealed batteries. Cap
removal will void the battery warranty and may cause damage to the batteries and to your Shuttle.
Use these specifications to reorder deep-cycle batteries:
Type: Deep-cycle (sealed lead-acid or gel cell)
Size: U-1
Voltage: 12 volts each
Amperage: 32 AH (amp hours)