30 IsoPlane
SCT 320 Manual Version 1.B
3.4 LightField
Start LightField after making sure the detector and IsoPlane are connected to the computer and
are turned on. When LightField boots it will look for available devices and will load their icons
in the Available Devices panel. Before you can design a new experiment or run an existing one,
the appropriate device icons must be dragged into the Experiment Devices panel. Once there is
at least one device, the Experiment Settings panel will be populated with expanders for groups
of experiment settings.
Note: If the IsoPlane (SCT-320) icon is the only device in the Experiment Devices panel, the
Spectrograph expander will be the only expander in the list. When you drag a detector into the panel, the
Calibration expander and all of the detector- related expanders will be displayed.
3.4.1 Define the Detector and Spectrograph
Figure 3-1. LightField Available Devices panel
1. After LightField opens, you should see an icon representing your detector in the
Available Devices area. In the figure above, the detector is a PIXIS:100B eXcelon
2. Drag the icon into the Experiment Devices area.