PI-MAX2 DIF Camera
Princeton Instruments 5 of 8 May 26, 2004
E:\Ma nuals\Syst ems\PI-MAX\PI-M AX2 DIF Ca mera.doc
3. The PI-MAX2 must be set to Gate mode for the intensifier to operate properly.
Either click on the
Gate mode
button on the Custom Toolbar or select Gate
mode on the
Acquisition|Experiment Setup…|Main
4. Now the PTG needs to be programmed to match the experiment. On the
menu, select Pulser and click on Pulser Setup (or click the
Pulser Setup
button in the Custom Toolbar).
a. In the Pulser dialog, select the
tab. The PTG can be triggered by an
external trigger signal such as a TTL (typical settings for a TTL trigger might
be: 1.7 V, positive edge, DC, 50 Ohm) or a photodiode (typical settings for a
photodiode might be: 8.0 V, positive edge, DC, high Z), or the PTG can use
its own internal clock to trigger the experiment. Select the appropriate one
for your experiment. In either case, the trigger frequency should be slow
enough so that the period between triggers is longer than the entire DIF
experiment. For example, if the Burst Period is 6 µs, then the trigger
frequency should be 8333 Hz [1 / (2 * 6 µs)].
b. Now select the
tab. In the Burst Mode section, turn Burst Mode on.
Set the Number of Pulses to 2. The Burst Period must be set to a value that is
greater than Gate Width + Gate Delay + Phosphor Decay. Ensure that the
Gating is set to Repetitive, and then click on the
button to set the
appropriate gate width and delay.
c. At the bottom of the Pulser Setup dialog, click
to download the gating
sequence to the PTG.
5. The CCD parameters need to be set to the appropriate values for DIF operation.
Select Experiment Setup from the
a. In the
tab, select Single Trig. Mode.
b. In the
tab, verify that the Number of Images is 2 and the Intensifier is
in Gate Mode.
c. When the experiment is ready, click the
button to start the image
Dual Trigger Mode
1. As with Single Trigger Mode, the PI-MAX2 camera must first be aligned and
focused on the area of interest in the experiment. This is best accomplished while
the PI-MAX2 is operating in Interline mode (i.e., before switching to DIF mode).
The procedure for initial focus is outlined in Chapter 4: First Light of the
PI-MAX/PI-MAX2 system manual.
2. The PI-MAX2 system needs to be put into DIF mode. In the
menu, open
the Hardware dialog. Under Readout Mode, select DIF and then click
3. The PI-MAX2 must be set to Gate mode for the intensifier to operate properly.
Either click on the
mode button on the Custom Toolbar or select Gate
mode on the
Acquisition|Experiment Setup…|Main