
Chapter 1 What To Expect When Running Your RFID Application
One 450 m thermal premium wax ribbon
Media starter kit (100 4 inch x 6 inch standard labels, 50 m
thermal premium wax ribbon, and a printhead cleaning pen)
Programming manuals
Smart Label Developers Quick Setup Guide (this manual)
Application and reference notes (this chapter)
Technical support
PrintronixsPrintNet® Enterprise: a web-enabled remote
network print management system that provides instantaneous
visibility to every network printer and allows users to configure
simultaneously an unlimited number of Printronix printers. This
edition of PrintNet Enterprise also supports management of the
additional RFID UHF encoder capabilities.
We are proud to partner with you as you embark on your RFID
What To Expect When Running Your RFID
Factors Affecting Smart Label Performance
Smart labels are based on an EEPROM technology that requires
some time to program. This minor pause between labels may be
noticed by the user. This time is necessary to better ensure
consistent quality and improved reliability.
When dealing with smart labels, it is possible that an occasional
RFID tag may require to be written and verified more than once
(retry) before being considered acceptable. In this event each retry
time will be added to the inter-label pause.