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The Custom 1 and Custom 2 programs are workout
programs that you create. The programs controlboth
the speed and the incline ofthe treadmill, and can be
up to 40 minutes long. The programs are stored in
memory and can be changed as many times as desired.
Followthe steps below to create a customprogram.
D Insert the key into the console.
A moment after the key is inserted,the fourdis-
plays,the LED track and variousindicatorswilllight.
B Press the MODE button to select a custom
workout program.
adjust the speed and inclineof the treadmill to the
desired levels withthe SPEED and INCLINE but-
tons. Every few timesthe SPEED buttons are
pressed, one additional indicatorwilllight or
darken in the CURRENT PERIOD column.
When the first periodis completed,three tones will
sound and the currentspeed and inclinesettings
will be stored in memory, Allsettingsshown in the
LED matrixwillthen moveone column tothe left
and thespeed settingof thesecond peded will be
showninthe CURRENT PERIOD column.Program
speed and inclinesettingsfor the second period
as described above. Repeat this procadure until
you have programmed speed and incline settings
for as many periodsas desired. Programs can
have up to forty periods.
When the key is inserted, the manual mode willbe
selected, as shown bythe manual indicator.
To select a custom
program, press the
mode button
repeatedly until one
of the two custom
program indicators
_ rogram
Press the START button to start the program.
A moment after the START button is pressed, the
walking belt will begin to move. Hold the handrails
and carefully begin walking.
_! Press the LEARN button and program the
desired speed and incline settings.
When the LEARN
buttonispressed, the
LEARN indictorwill light.
Speed and incline set-
tings can be pro-
grammed only when
the indicator is lit.
Each custom program is divided into one-minute
periods. One speed setting and one incline setting
can be programmed for each period. The speed
setting ofthe first
peded is shown in the
flashing CURRENT
PERIOD column of
the LED matrix. (The
incline settings are not
shown in the matrix.)
To program speed
and inclinesettings for
the first pedod, simply
O0 0000000
O0 0000000
H-oo oooooooNr
O0 0000000
O0 O00000O
Note: To stopthe progrem for a moment, press the
STOP button.The displays willpause and the
TIME/INCLINE displaywill beginto flash. To
restart the pmgrem, press the START button.
_When you are finished programming settings,
hold down the STOP button for two seconds.
When you have programmed speed and incline
settings for as many one-minuteperiods as
desired, hold downthe STOP buttonfor two sec-
onds. The speed and inclinesettingsthat you have
programmedand thelengthofthe programwillbe
stored in memory.To usethe programagain, see
r_ when the program is completed, remove the
Step onto the foot railsand remove the key from
the console. Keep the key ina secure place. In ad-
dition, movethe on/offswitchto the offpositionand
unplugthe power cord.
D Insert the key into the console.
A momentafterthe key isinserted,thefour dis-
plays,the LED trackand various indicatorswilllight.
B Press the MODE button to select a custom
workout program.
When the key is inserted,the manual mode willbe
selected, as shown by the manual indicator.