
178 Ikôn Rugged PDA (Windows CE 5.0) User Manual
Chapter 5: Configuration
Decoded (Internal) Scanners
Discrete 2 of 5
Transmit Check Digit
If this parameter is enabled, the check digit is included with the bar code data.
Convert To EAN 13
If this parameter is enabled, the I 2 of 5 bar code is converted to EAN 13.
Field Size/Chars
Refer to “Field Size/Chars” on page 170 for details. Discrete 2 of 5
Set this parameter to on to enable “Discrete 2 of 5”.
Set Length L1 And Set Length L2
Lengths for “Discrete 2 of 5” can be set for Any length, Length within a range, One discrete
length or Two discrete lengths. The length of a code refers to the number of characters (i.e.,
human readable characters), including check digit(s).
Double-tapping on this parameter displays a dialog box labelled Set Code Lengths where
you can define the code length that will be recognized by your scanner.
Choosing One discrete length allows you to decode only those codes containing a selected
length. Choosing Two discrete lengths allows you to decode only those codes containing two
selected lengths. Length within a range allows you to decode a code type within a specified
range from 1 to 12.
Field Size/Chars
Refer to “Field Size/Chars” on page 170 for details. RSS Code
Setting this parameter to on enables “2D RSS Code” scanning capability.
Enable RSS-14 (Reduced Space Symbology)
RSS-14 code can be either purely linear or split in half with one half stacked on top of the
other half. Stacking the code reduces the bar code length, and providing the nominal height
of the code is maintained, it can be omni-directionally scanned.