Command Protocol
All commands have the following syntax:
$<name> <##>CR
P $ indicates a command follows.
P <name> is the command name. No spaces are allowed between the $ and the
<name>. The name is case sensitive.
P <##> is an unsigned integer associated with the command. A space must be
inserted between
<name> and <##>.
P CR is a carriage return character (ASCII value 13).
With echo enabled, all characters sent will be echoed back to the sender before the
expected response is sent.
Unidentified commands and most out of range conditions result in the pulse
generator ignoring the command. If the command is properly identified, the pulse
generator returns an
ok followed by a carriage return and a line feed (ASCII 13,
ASCII 10), otherwise it returns a
?1 (a question mark, followed by the number "one",
a carriage return and a line feed). A
?2 is sent if a valid command is received but the
parameter is out of range.
- send the following command to set the number of cycles:
The pulse generator will return the following:
Echo Enabled: MODE 1<cr><lf>
Echo Disabled: ok<cr><lf>
Only one command will be processed per message. Commands are not processed
until the carriage return is sent. If an error is made and identified prior to sending the
carriage return, sending a new $ will reset the input buffer and allow a corrected
command to be sent.
To determine the current value of a parameter the syntax is:
$<name> ?CR