
The Basics
LTR system are assigned to specifi c talk groups, which are
identifi ed by the radio as six-digit numbers. These numbers
are in the form AHHUUU, where:
A = Area code (0 or 1)
H = Home repeater (01 through 20)
U = User ID (000 through 254)
When the scanner receives a transmission on a channel set
to the LTR mode, it fi rst decodes the LTR data included with
the transmission. In the open mode, the scanner stops on the
transmission and displays the talk group ID on the bottom line
of the display. In the closed mode, the scanner only stops on
the transmission if the LTR data matches a talk group ID that
you have stored in the bank’s talk group ID list and have not
locked out.
LTR systems are frequently programmed so that each radio
has a unique ID code.
open and closed modes
You can set your scanner to change the way it receives
signals. These settings, called open mode and closed mode,
affect how the scanner receives signals from communications
systems that use some type of closed squelch (such as
Motorola, EDACS, and LTR systems).
In open mode, you hear all active talk groups except those
you specifi cally exclude, making it easy to hear everything
going on. In closed mode, you hear only those talk groups
you specify. This makes it easy to listen only to talk groups
you are interested in and exclude others.
When you select a system voice channel manually, any
transmission opens squelch, regardless of the current