The Basics
The Basics
• Weighs items up to 10 pounds.
• No batteries or AC cords required—powered by your
computer's USB port.
• Includes six foot USB cable permanently connected to
the scale.
• Displays weight in kgs or lbs format.
• Includes a Unit Conversion Tool for grams, ounces,
and other additional weight values.
• Connects to selected websites and automatically
populates the weight and additional fi elds of the web
page for your convenience.
• Auto-populates different fi elds in the web page using
Add Web Page function.
Internet connection required.
software installation
system requirements
Your USB Electronic Scale requires Windows98SE/ME/2000/
XP, Internet Explorer 4 or higher, and a USB port.
The software will be updated periodically. Check
www.RadioShack.com for updates.
install procedure
1. To install your USB Electronic Scale, insert the
supplied CD-ROM in your CD or DVD ROM drive. The
setup program will start automatically. If you have the
auto-run feature disabled on your machine, then you
will need to run Setup.exe found in the root folder of
the CD-ROM. Right-click on the Start button and click
Explore. Then double-click on the CD or DVD ROM
drive. Double-click on Setup.exe.
2. Follow the instructions to install the software. By
default, it will be installed to \Program Files\USB
Electronic Scale.
3. Shortcuts will be created on the desktop and startup
menu: Start > Programs > USB Electronic Scale >
USB Electronic Scale. You can start using the USB
Electronic Scale by clicking the shortcut icon.