2. Connect the blue and black lead wires from the
rain sensor to the controller’s sensor terminals, as
shown in Figure 9. It does not matter which wire
goes to each terminal. Do not use the red wire.
Controllers Without Rain Sensor Terminals
Use the procedure below if your controller does NOT
have dedicated rain sensor terminals.
1. Disconnect the wire from the common terminal
(“C” or “COM”) on the controller’s terminal strip.
Then connect this wire to the blue Rain Sensor
lead wire.
2. Connect the black Rain Sensor lead wire to the
common terminal (“C” or “COM”) on the controller’s
terminal strip, as shown in Figure 10. Do not use
the red wire.
Testing the System
After installation; test the sensor to ensure it is working
correctly. Turn the controller on to initiate irrigation.
Hold down the plunger located on top of the rain
sensor as shown in Figure 4 (B). The zone should turn
off after a few seconds. If it does not turn off, check
your rain sensor wire connections.
The RSD Rain Sensor operates automatically and
requires no scheduled maintenance. However, the
disks inside the sensor dial cap sometimes become
contaminated with debris or insects. If this happens,
use the following procedure to clean the Rain Sensor.
1. Turn the dial cap to the 3/4” rainfall setting, as
shown in Figure 2.
2. Press the tab labeled “Press” on the side of the
sensor body, as shown in Figure 6 (D). Then turn
the dial cap about 1 1/4 turns further to remove
the cap from the sensor body.
3. Remove the plunger and disks from the sensor
body and wash them in clean water.
4. Reinstall the plunger and disks. Then reset the
rainfall setting to the desired position, as shown
in Figure 2.
NOTE: If you wash the disks, give them at least
24 hours to dry before reinstalling them. If not,
irrigation could be prohibited until they are
completely dry.