LABC1 • 15
right, you can do it with the rest. These will all be mounted in stand-up fashion,
just like D17 was a few steps ago. Again, the body of the part is placed in the
hole with the circle around it and the other lead is bent up and around to fit
into the other hole. The banded end should be facing up. If you don’t want to
spend time desoldering later, check them carefully now. It might help to pre-
bend all the diodes so that you can just grab them one at a time and place
them on the board.
23. Install D5 through D9. Be sure you solder them all.
24. Install D10 through D14. Notice that the orientation has changed.
Now we’ll install the two LEDs. One indicates “power on” and the other
indicates what mode your charger is in, whether charge or float mode. Both
are oriented the same way and should be left sitting up off the circuit board so
that they can be bent over to fit through the holes in the matching case.
24. Install D15 and D16. You’ll see that the LEDs have a flat side and so
does the PC board silkscreen. Orient the flat sides correctly and slide the
diodes into their mounting holes. One lead is shorter than the other, just
like the electrolytic capacitors we installed earlier. This indicates the
cathode or negative lead of the LED and should correspond to the hole
closest to the flat side. Get them both lined up so that they are about the
same height above the circuit board and bend the leads on the back of the
board to hold them in place before soldering.
Great job! You’ve made it through the circuit board assembly of your LABC1
kit. We know you’re anxious to “fire it up” but take a moment to look over your
work now, checking for imperfect solder joints, misplaced components and
correct orientation of polarity sensitive parts. Even if you have to fix
something, you’ll be glad you found it now and not after you turn on the power
and let the magic smoke out of one of your parts!
Front View
PC Board
Leave leads approximately
3/4 inch in length
Front View after Bending
PC Board
Leave leads approximately
3/4 inch in length