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Frequency Scanning
Memory Scanning
The RCI-2950DX/2970DX-150 has 10 non-volatile memory locations
which can be programmed with any frequency within the operating range
of the radio. The scan function of the unit can scan the frequencies in the
10 memory locations.
The first step in utilizing the memory scan function is programming the
desired frequencies into the memory locations 0 through 9 by performing
the following steps:
1. With the radio operating in the manual mode, press the PRG (Program)
2. Press the MEM key. "PRG" should display in the lower right-hand
corner of the LCD display. "MEM" should display in the upper left
portion of the display. A number between 0 and 9 will display directly
below MEM. This number represents the memory location currently
being shown on the frequency display. Pressing the MEM key will
increase the memory counter to the next memory location and the
frequency in that memory location will be displayed.
3. Set the new frequency to be stored in the memory location displayed
by using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows. After the desired
frequency is indicated, press ENT. This will overwrite whatever
frequency had been previously stored at this location.
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for all of the memory locations to be
5. After the desired memory locations have been programmed with
frequencies, return the unit to the manual mode of operation by
pressing the MAN key.
6. To initiate memory scanning, press MEM and then SCAN. The display
will show "SCAN+" or "SCAN-" to indicate whether the radio is
scanning from the lowest to the highest memory location or vice versa.
To return the radio to normal (non-scanning) operation, press the MAN
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Chapter 7 Offset Frequency Operation
The split frequency function offsets the transmitter frequency either above
or below the receiver frequency by a user-programmable amount. This is
necessary for operating on FM repeaters. In the following example, the
programming of a 1 MHz offset will be described. Before attempting to
program the offset frequency, ensure that the radio is operating in the
manual mode by pressing the MAN key.
NOTE: FM repeaters may require that a sub-audible CTCSS tone be
transmitted to gain access to the repeater. The RCI-2950DX/2970DX-150
can be equipped with an optional CTCSS encoder.
1. Press the PRG (Program) key.
2. Press the SPLIT key. The LCD display will indicate 00000 with PRG
and SPLIT showing in the lower left-hand corner of the display.
3. Using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows as described earlier,
program the display to read 10000.
4. Press ENT. A 1 MHz offset has now been programmed into the radio.
5. Return the radio to manual operation by pressing the MAN key.
6. Using the SHF key and the UP and DOWN arrows as described
previously, set the radio to the desired receive frequency.
7. Press SPLIT. Either "SPLIT+" or "SPLIT-" will be displayed in the
lower right corner of the display. If "SPLIT+" is displayed, the
transmitter will be offset 1 MHz above the receive frequency when
keyed. If "SPLIT-" is displayed, the transmitter will be offset 1 MHz
below the receive frequency.
When the transmitter is keyed, the frequency display will change to
show the frequency being transmitted.