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B. Procedure to Receive
1. Be sure that power source, microphone and antenna are connected to
the proper connectors before going to the next step.
2. Turn unit on by turning VOL knob clockwise.
3. Set the VOL for a comfortable listening level.
4. Set MODE switch to the desired operation mode.
5. Listen to the background noise from the speaker. Turn the SQ knob
slowly clockwise until the noise just disappear. This SQ is now
properly adjusted. The receiver will remain quit until a signal is
actually received. Do not advance the control too far, or some of
weaker signals will not be heard.
6. Set the CHANNEL switch to the desired channel.
7. Set the RF gain control fully clockwise for maximum RF gain.
C. Procedure to Transmit
1. Select the desired channel of transmission.
2. Set the MIC GAIN to the level that will best suit your individual use.
3. If the channel is clear, depress the push-to-talk switch on the
microphone and speak in a normal voice.
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