Chapter 9: Device Management
Note: Do not use apostrophes for the Port (CIM) Name.
Port Type. The type of CIM connected to the port:
Port Type Description
DCIM Dominion CIM
Not Available No CIM connected
PCIM Paragon CIM
PowerStrip Power CIM
VM Virtual Media CIM (D2CIM-VUSB)
2. Click the Port Name for the port you want to edit.
For KVM ports, the Port page (see "
Associate Target Servers to
Outlets (Port Page)" on page
143) is opened. From this page, you
can name the ports and create power associations.
For power strips, the Port page for power strips (see "
Name the
Power Strip (Port Page for Power Strips)" on page
141) is
opened. From this page, you can name the power strips and
their outlets. name the power strips and their outlets.