Before You Begin
Before installing the Aqua Logic System
-Determine that you have everything necessary to complete the installation
-Find a suitable mounting location for both the control center and remote keypad
-Plan and determine where components will be plumbed
-Plan wire runs and wiring connections
What’s Included
Before attempting to install the Aqua Logic system, check that the following components have been in-
cluded in the package:
Aqua Logic Electronics Unit
(2) Temperature sensors with 12 ft. (4m) cable, hose clamp
TurboCell kit
(1) Turbo Cell with 12ft. (4m) cable with unions
(1) Flow switch with 12ft. (4m) cable
What’s NOT Included
Some of the additional items that you may need to complete an installation include:
Circuit breakers
None are included with control—see page 11 and inside of door for suitable breakers
4-conductor cable (electronics unit to remote display/keypad)
Wire/conduit for 100A service from main panel to Aqua Logic
Wire/conduit for filter pump and other high voltage loads
Wire for bonding
Utility electrical outlet and weatherproof cover (for mounting on side of Aqua Logic)
Mounting hardware (screws, etc.) for mounting Aqua Logic and remote display/keypad
Valves (use standard Jandy, Pentair/Compool, or Hayward valves)
Valve, actuator, and solar sensor for solar control option. Additional cable for the solar sensor may also
be required
Accessory Products - Order Separately
AQL-REMOTE-PS-4 Wired Remote Display (see note 1)
AQL-REMOTE-PS-8 Wired Remote Display (see note 2)
AQL-REMOTE-RF-PS-4 Wireless Remote Display (see notes 1, 3,4)
AQL-REMOTE-RF-PS-8 Wireless Remote Display (see notes 2, 3,4)
AQL-SPASIDE-RF Wireless Spaside Remote Control (see note 3)
AQL-BASE-RF Base Receiver
GVA-24 Valve Actuator
AQ-SOL-KIT-xx Solar Kit (xx=1P (1.5” pos. seal), -2P (2” pos. seal), -2NP (2” non-pos. seal)
V&A-xx Valve & Actuator (xx=1P (1.5” pos. seal), -2P (2” pos. seal), -2NP (2” non-pos. seal)
notes: 1. for use with Aqua Logic PS-4 model only
2. for use with Aqua Logic PS-8 model only
3. requires base receiver AQL-BASE-RF
4. 9V wall power supply included