Chapter 2 37
Using the Remote Control
1. Press and hold the component button on the TV’s remote that applies to the function you will be adding (DVD, VCR,
SAT/CAB, AUDIO, or AUX). The component button lights.
2. On the TV remote, press and hold the RECORD button.
3. Keep pressing both of the buttons (the component button and the RECORD button) until the component button light
turns off, flashes, and turns off. Release both buttons.
4. On the TV’s remote control, press and release the button where you want to store the new function (the component
button turns off and then back on).
Note: If you press an invalid button on the TV remote, one of the component button flashes 4 times to alert you. You’ll
have to repeat step 4.
5. With the remote controls facing each other and no more than 2 inches apart, press and hold the button of the
component’s remote control that has the functionality you are recording to the TV’s remote control. Keep pressing the
button until the TV remote’s component button light turns off and back on (the function has been saved to the TV
remote). If all component buttons flash 4 times, the function wasn’t learned. Try again, starting with Step 4.
6. The TV remote control remains in “learning mode” so you can continue adding functions to different buttons by
repeating steps 4 and 5. Or, press CLEAR to exit learning mode.
Notes: If you want a new function on a button, you must record (learn) over it.
The amount of memory each learned function uses in the TV’s remote control varies. If your TV remote is out of
memory, the component button(s) light flashes 4 times and turn off, exiting you from the Learning mode.
Clearing a Learned Function
To delete a learned button function, use the procedure below.
1. Press and hold the component button (the component button lights). Then press and hold the CLEAR button for 3
seconds. Continue depressing both buttons (the component mode button flashes—turns on and off again).
2. Release the component and CLEAR buttons (the component button being programmed turns on). Remote is now in
Clear learned function mode.
3. Press and release the button where learning is to be cleared. The component button blinks off then back on—the
learned function was cleared successfully.
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 until all buttons’ learned functions have been cleared.
Note: If an invalid button is pressed, the component mode button(s) flashes 4 times and the selected component button
stays on and remote remains in Clear Learned Function mode. Repeat step 3.
5. Press the CLEAR button and your TV remote returns to its original operation mode.
Deleting ALL Learned Functions
This procedure erases all learned functions in every component mode of the remote.
1. Press and hold the CLEAR button (the current component button lights). Then press and hold the ON•OFF button
(component button light turns off for 3 seconds, flashes, turns on and off) while continuing to hold CLEAR.
2. Release both buttons (current component button turns on).
3. Press any component button to delete all learned functions in all modes. Remote is automatically exited from this mode.
Note: Pressing the CLEAR button will NOT delete all learned functions, but will exit the Delete mode.
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