14 Chapter 3. Configuration
Name Default Description
push_all 0 If set to 0, may merge subsequent
packets. If set to 1, force a packet
boundary right after the endof the TUX
compression 0 If set to 0, it is disabled. If set to 1,
sending gzip compressed data is turned
on. See Section 3.2 for details.
cgi_uid -1 UID as which to run CGI programs. Set
by default to the ID for "nobody" in the
tux init script.
cgi_gid -1 GID as which to run CGI programs. Set
by default to the ID for "nobody" in the
tux init script.
cgiroot /var/www/tux/cgiroot/The directory in which TUX runs CGI
programs. Set by default to
$DOCROOT in the tux init script.
cgi_cpu_mask 0xffffffff The default value allows CGI scripts to
execute on all CPUs. This value can be
set to bind newly started CGI scripts to
a single CPU or a set of CPUs. The
CPUs are represented in a 32-bit
bitmask, where bit 1 is CPU#0, bit 2 is
CPU#1, etc. This value has not effect on
single-processor systems.
cgi_inherit_cpu 0 If set to 1, all newly started CGI scripts
inherit the CPU-binding of the
CGI-starting TUX thread — all
processes started by the CGI script will
be bound to the same CPU as the
parent CGI.
max_connect 1000 Maximum number of concurrent
max_header_len 3000 Maximum header size in bytes.
max_output_bandwidth 0 Maximum output bandwidth (per
connection) used up by keepalive
requests in bytes/sec. The default value
of 0 means off or unlimited bandwidth.
Can be as low as 1 byte/sec. This
parameter replaces max_keepalive_bw.
max_keepalive 1000 Maximum number of open keepalive
connections. After having reached
max_keepalives connections, TUX zaps
old connections based on LRU.