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Overall Dimensions & Minimum Clearances
Clearances Operational Maintenance
mm 5 5
Top mm 200 200
mm 200 200
Front mm 5 500
3. Installation Requirements
Statutory Requirements
The installation should also be in accordance with the relevant recommendations in the current editions of
the following British Standards:
BS 7074: Pt 1 Expansion vessels and ancillary equipment for sealed water systems
BS 5449 Forced circulation hot water systems for domestic premises
BS 7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations. IEE Wiring Regulations.
BS 4814 Expansion Vessels using an internal diaphragm for sealed hot water systems.
BS 6798 Installation of gas fired boilers of rated input not exceeding 70 kW Net.
BS 6759: Pt 1 Safety valves
BS 1362 General purpose fuse links for domestic & similar purposes. (Primarily for use in
BS 5376 Code of Practice for selection & installation of gas space heating
Boiler Location
The boiler is not suitable for external installation. The position selected must be within the building unless
protected by a suitable enclosure. There must be adequate space for installation, servicing and operation of
the boiler as well as adequate air circulation.