9. Upon seeing a solid flow of water from the drain tub
ing, and the cessation of the “gurgling” sound at the
drip cup, H (Fig. 7), close valve D (Fig. 7) then rapidly
apply compressed air or nitrogen into the to chamber
of the Model LP Dry Valve Actuator until the pressure
conforms to Table A levels as indicated on the air
pressure gauge. The Model LP Dry Valve Actuator
will close during this pressurizing process and the
water will stop flowing into the drip cup. At this point,
the pressure gauge which indicates push-rod cham
ber pressure (Fig. 7) will equalize to the available wa
ter supply pressure. Note:
It may be necessary to
isolate the various pressure gauges in the trim during
system set-up by closing the ¼” 3-way valves (#68
Fig. 2) that they are connected to. During set-up,
pressure fluctuations may occur that can be poten
tially damaging to the gauges.
10. De-energize the solenoid valve(s). This is accom
plished by resetting the solenoid-release pull station
and/or the detectors that were activated in Step #8
above. Note:
All detection devices must be reset be
fore the releasing/control panel can be reset.
11. Open valve F (Fig. 7). Open slightly the main valve
controlling water supply (Fig. 7) to the deluge valve,
closing drain valve B (Fig. 7) when water flows. Ob
serve if water leaks through the ball drip valve, valve
G (Fig. 7), into the drip cup, H (Fig. 7). If no leak oc
curs, the seluge valve’s clapper is sealed. Open
slowly, and verify that the main valve controlling water
supply is fully opened and properly monitored.
12. Verify that valve A (Fig. 7) and valve F (Fig. 7) are
13. Secure the handle ofthe Model B Manual Emergency
Station, valve D (Fig. 7), in the OFF position with a ny-
lon tie (#64, Fig. 2).
Inspection and Testing
Refer to Figs. 2, 6, and 7.
1. Water supply — be sure the valve(s) controlling water
supply to the Deluge Valve are opened fully and
properly monitored.
2. Alarm line—be sure that valve F (Fig. 7) is opened
and remains in this position.
3. Other trimming valves — check that valve A (Fig. 7) is
open as well as all of the pressure gauge’s ¼” 3-way
valves. Valves C, D, andE (Fig. 7)should be closed.
4. Ball drip valve, valve G (Fig. 7)—make sure that valve
F (Fig. 7) is open. Push in on the plunger to be sure
the ball check is off its seat. If no water appears, the
deluge valve’s water seat is tight. Inspect the bleed
hole (see Fig. 7) on the underside of the deluge
valve’s push rod chamber for leakage.
5. System pneumatic pressure — check the Model LP
Dry Valve Actuator’s air pressure gauge (Fig. 7) and
water supply pressure gauge (Fig. 7) for confor
mance to Table A.
6. Releasing device - Model LP Dry Valve Actuator (Fig.
7). Verifythat the outlet is not leakingwater. Check the
Model LP Dry Valve Actuator’s air pressure gauge
(Fig. 7) for proper pressure settings. Verify that the
tubing line from the actuator is not pinched or
crushed, which could prevent proper operation of the
deluge valve.
7. Testing alarms — make sure that valve F (Fig. 7) is
open. Open valveC (Fig. 7) permitting waterfrom the
supply to flow to alarm portion of the trim. Typical de
vices that are connected to this section of the trim are
pressure switches and/or a mechanical sprinkler
alarms (water motor). After testing has been com
pleted, close this valve securely. Push in on the
plunger of ball drip valve G (Fig. 7) until all of the water
has drained from the alarm line.
8. Operational test — Open the Model B Manual Emer
gency Station, valve D (Fig. 7). Note:
An operational
test will cause the deluge valveto openand flow water
into the sprinkler system.
9. Secure the Model B Manual Emergency Station,
(#64, Fig. 2) after the deluge valve is reset.
Testing the Model DDX Deluge Valve
without Flowing Water
Refer to Fig. 7
1. Close the valve controlling water supply to deluge
valve and open the main drain valve B.
2. Verify that valve A is open, allowing water to enter the
push rod chamber.
3. Operate detection system – energize the solenoid
valve(s) by operating a detector or manual pull sta
4. Operation of the detection system will result in a sud-
den drop ofwater pressurein the push rodchamber.
5. Reset the detection system — reverse the operations
performed in step three above and then proceed ac-
cording to the directions listed in the “Resetting the
Single Interlock Preaction System” section of this bul-
letin for resetting the Deluge Valve.
Draining Excess/Condensate Water from
the System
Refer to Fig. 7
1. Close the main valve controlling water supply to de
luge valve. Also, close valve A and open the main
drain valve B.
2. Open the condensate drain valve E until all of the wa
ter has drained. Close valve E. Note:
Be sure not to
keep valve E open for an extended period of time be
cause that will cause enough system air to bleed off,
thereby causing an undesirable activation of a trou
ble/alarm-annunciating device.
3. Close themain drain valve B. Ifsystem contains pres
surized air, allow the air pressure to come back up to
specification. Open valve A first, and then open the
main valve controlling the water supply to the deluge