Section 17 I
C Bus Interface 3
Page 886 of 2108 R01UH0134EJ0400 Rev. 4.00
Sep 24, 2014
SH7262 Group, SH7264 Group
17.5 Interrupt Requests
There are six interrupt requests in this module; transmit data empty, transmit end, receive data full,
NACK detection, STOP recognition, and arbitration lost/overrun error. Table 17.4 shows the
contents of each interrupt request.
Table 17.4 Interrupt Requests
Interrupt Request Abbreviation Interrupt Condition
C Bus
Clocked Synchronous
Serial Format
Transmit data Empty TXI (TDRE = 1)
(TIE = 1)
Transmit end TEI (TEND = 1)
(TEIE = 1)
Receive data full RXI (RDRF = 1)
(RIE = 1)
STOP recognition STPI (STOP = 1)
(STIE = 1)
NACK detection NAKI {(NACKF = 1) + (AL = 1)}
(NAKIE = 1)
Arbitration lost/
overrun error
When the interrupt condition described in table 17.4 is 1, the CPU executes an interrupt exception
handling. Note that a TXI or RXI interrupt can activate the direct memory access controller if the
setting for direct memory access controller activation has been made. In such a case, an interrupt
request is not sent to the CPU. Interrupt sources should be cleared in the exception handling. The
TDRE and TEND bits are automatically cleared to 0 by writing the transmit data to ICDRT. The
RDRF bit is automatically cleared to 0 by reading ICDRR. The TDRE bit is set to 1 again at the
same time when the transmit data is written to ICDRT. Therefore, when the TDRE bit is cleared to
0, then an excessive data of one byte may be transmitted.