To toggle between treatment screens 1 and 2, press from your HOME screen.
9 Treatment with device trigger
(Timed) and cycle (Timed,
Ti Max or Ti Min) breath
9 Treatment with spontaneous
trigger and cycled breaths
Viewing the Info menu
The Info menu has a series of screens showing your sleep quality, sleep report and service information.
To view the Info menu, push
from your HOME screen.
9 In the Sleep Quality screen,
you can always view your
usage hours during the last
session and if enabled by
your clinician, data on mask-
fit and AHI is displayed.
9 In the Sleep Report, only the
period can be changed—
other values are for display
9 In the Service information,
the device run hours
(includes warm-up/cool-down
times for the humidifier) and
the software identifications
are displayed.
To return to the HOME screen, push