Operating Conditions
User Settings
• Enter passwords discreetly. If you
note a password on paper, keep it
hidden from other people.
• Register a user name for a docu-
ment stored in the document serv-
er to identify creator or type, but
not to protect the document from
other people.
• When the machine is operating in
security modes, the date/time and
“Security”are alternately dis-
played in the top right-hand cor-
ner of the display. For details
about how to operate this machine
in security modes, ask your sales
or service representative.
❒ When choosing a password for a
document stored in the document
server or the locked print, do not
use multiple repetitions of the
same number such as “0000”or se-
quences such as “1234”. These
kinds of passwords can be guessed
easily. Using such codes will re-
duce security.