14 ControlLogix SERCOS interface Module
1756-IN572G-EN-P - May 2005
Care and Handling of Fiber Optic Cables
Good system performance depends on clean port optics and cable ferrules,
which keeps dust and small particles from blocking the optic path.
• When cables are not in use, keep the ends covered with the dust
covers that came with the cables.
• To clean the ends of the cables, use either:
– compressed air
– one of the following cleaners on a lint and strand free cotton swab:
For more information about the care, handling, and installation of fiber optic
cables see the Fiber Optic Cable Installation and Handling Instructions, publication
number 2090-IN010x-EN-P.
When you handle these components, take normal
precautions to prevent damage and/or degradation by
electrostatic discharge (ESD). The small junction size of
these components increases their susceptibility to damage
from ESD.
Alcohols Aliphatics Other
methyl hexane soap solution
isopropyl heptane naphtha