a station is marked as a favorite, it appears in the “My Favorites” list in the Internet Radio library,
but does not use up one of the 18 Preset slots.
Note: If a station is saved as a Preset, then it is assumed to also be a “favorite”, and will always
appear at the front of the “My Favorites” list.
There are several important differences between Presets and My Favorites:
Ë Presets are accessible from any Library, while My Favorites only appear in the Internet
Radio Library.
Ë My Favorites may only contain stations found by browsing the Internet Radio Library.
Presets may contain stations from the built-in library, or saved from iTunes, or entered
via the web page.
Ë Presets can recall content other than Internet Radio stations, like playlists or
selections that you have browsed to from SoundBridge (such as all songs by a
particular artist, etc). My Favorites include only Internet radio stations.
Ë When displaying My Favorites, Internet radio station Presets are also included at the
beginning of the list.
Ë Presets can be programmed and played from the preset web page (see page 25 for
more information.)
Ë Presets can be programmed as discrete commands on a custom remote control. (For
more information about customizing your remote for SoundBridge control and a
pronto CCF file, please visit the Support section of our web site.)
To save an Internet radio station to My Favorites:
1. From the “Internet Radio” library, Scroll down to the “Browse” menu item. Navigate to the
station you would like to save.
2. Press
Select [4], then press the Down arrow to display these options:
Play [Station name]
Get Station Info
Add Station to My Favorites
3. Scroll down to the option “Add Station to My Favorites” and press Select. You will see the
message “Station added to your favorites”. Next time you view My Favorites, you will see
that station displayed in the list.
You can also save a station to My Favorites while it is playing. Simply press Select to display
these options:
Get info for “[Station name]”
Play Preset…
Save Preset: [Station name]
Add Station to My Favorites
Select the option “Add Station to My Favorites” and press Select.
Note: Only stations that you have accessed via the browse feature in the Internet Radio Library
can be saved to your Favorites. Stations that are played from an iTunes playlist or from a URL
manually entered as a preset cannot be saved to your Favorites.
To save an Internet radio station to your Presets:
Play a radio station and press Select. You will see the following list of options:
Get info for “[Station name]”
Play Preset… (this displays a list of your 18 presets)
Save Preset: [Station name]
Add Station to My Favorites
Select the option “Save Preset: [Station name]” and press Select. Scroll down to the position
you want to replace and press Select. Next time you view Presets, you will see that station
displayed in the position you have chosen. You will also see Presets displayed first in the list of
My Favorites.
Saving Stations Originating in iTunes to Presets
You can save Internet radio stations from an iTunes playlist to your SoundBridge Favorites by
pressing Select [4] while the station is playing in SoundBridge. You will see the following
Section 6: Internet RadioSection 6: Internet Radio