Premium 200Mbps Powerline AC Pass-Through AV+ Adapter - RPLC-200PKIT- User’s Manual
Chapter 4 Joining a Network
This chapter describes how to add a device to an existing HomePlug AV logical
network (AVLN) using the Security/Reset pushbutton and using the Utility.
Operation progress and outcome can be monitored by observing the behavior of the
power LED.
4.1 Using the Security Pushbutton
Devices A and B are located in network N. Device C (the joiner) that is not
located in any networks attempts to join Network N. Any devices on Network N
can become the „adder‟.
Joining a network
Please follow below to add Device C to Network N using the Security button:
1. Press the Security button on Device A (or Device B) for less than 3
seconds, making it the „adder‟.
2. Within 2 minutes, press the Security button Device C (the „joiner‟) for less
than 3 seconds.
3. Wait for connection to complete.
The Power indicator on Device A (or Device B) and Device C will flash at 1
second intervals until the process succeeds or fails. It will illuminate steadily on
success. If an error occurs, the Power indicator on Device A (or Device B) and
Device C will flash unevenly for 2 minutes.