PIR Solar Spotlight/PIR Solaire Lumière RSL-113
In normal condition, the batteries inside the PIR Solar Spotlight are fully charged. You can
use the light directly. If not, please fully charge the batteries before using: turn the switch
“on” for sunny daytime and turn it “off” when darkness comes. Repeating for 2 days (about
16 hours), the batteries would be fully charged.
Install On the Wall
1.loose the screws and remove the battery
back cover from the light
2.drill 4 holes on the wall based on the
four tubes in the battery back cover, insert
the bulged tubes in the holes, and fix the
battery back cover with screws.
3.slip the PIR Solar Spotlight body up to
down until the hasp inside is connected, x
the body with screws.
4.adjust the angle of light head & PIR
1 PIR Solar Spotlight parts
2 Battery Charge
3 PIR Solar Spotlight Body Installation
solar light
solar light body
PIR sensor
battery back cover
solar panel
bulged tube*6
on/of f switch
panel base