3.5" IDE to USB Ext. Enclosure With Removable 80mm fan User Manual
Windows 2000/XP/Vista
Plug the HDD into your system it will appear the hot plug a play. Just
click “Control Panel”/ “manage tool” / “computer management” /
“Disk management”. All the disk connects to the PC will appear on
the chart, as well as the state of the HDD. Find out the HDD and click
the right bottom of the mouse under the state of chart, just follow the
step. Take a look of the icon on the bottom.
Mac OS
Mac OS9.x and earlier version does not support creating partition on
an external HDD. For your new HDD, you need to purchase additional
party software to creating your HDD partition.
For Mac OS X, use the Disk Utility to format and divided partitions on
your external disk.
• Select “Disk Utilities” in the utilities folder.
• Choose your external drive and format it.
Notice: If you want your ENCLOSURE on a Windows as well as on
your Mac OS, we recommend you to use a PC to format the drive.
Choose FAT32 format and do not change anything on the partition or
format on your Mac, otherwise the Windows OS can not be able to
recognize the ENCLOSURE.