Abra OrgPlus profile views support field editing and chart navigation – use the profile views to
easily change positions in the chart and update the chart information. Conditional formatting in
profile views allow you to dynamically format your data to bring attention to certain employee
information. For example, automatically highlight information in the employee’s to identify top
performers. Combine multiple profile views into a single, composite profile view and define rules to
hide and show individual profile views based on the selected box (Manager, Director or Individual
Contributor) for a more complete view of your organizational data.
Merge Charts
Abra OrgPlus has long been the preferred tool for planning a company reorganization. In OrgPlus,
we have made this process even easier. With the new merge charts feature, OrgPlus will
automatically merge together two organizational plans into a single chart marking the records that
have been changed and the author responsible for making the change. With OrgPlus, company
reorganizations that normally took days can be done in just minutes.
Improved Duplicate Reporting Management
Having the ability to visualize multiple reporting relationships is critically important when looking at
your true organizational structure. Abra OrgPlus will automatically detect alternate managers and
include them as a list in the box of an employee with multiple managers. Also, navigate directly to
a specific occurrence of an employee that appears multiple times in a chart.
Sage FAS 500 v2008.1
The award winning Sage FAS 500 fixed asset management solution for 2008 includes a robust set
of new features and enhancements including additional tax guidance, government compliance and
platform updates.
• Tax Law Updates: Sage FAS 500 now supports the following tax law updates to conform to
government requirements.
• Updated Tax Forms: IRS Form 4562 – Depreciation and Amortization for 2007.
• Updated Tax Limits: Complies with the scheduled increase in the Section 179 limits and
luxury auto limits.
• Extension for Section 179D Property
• New Section 179E Deduction for Advanced Mine Safety Equipment
• Extension of 168(k) Allowance for GO Zone Property
• New 168(k) Allowance for Cellulosic Biomass Ethanol Plant Property
• Two New Property Tax Reports to assist in filing property tax returns.
• Update to Audit Advisor to improve validation for assets with less than 100% business use.
• New Windows NT Authentication support in Sage FAS 2008 provides a synchronized
approach to configuring user accounts and permissions while establishing a more robust
security infrastructure. Sage FAS users will benefit from a single login through their suite of
Sage solutions including Sage MAS 500.
2007 Sage Software, Inc. All rights reserved