
The next time you plug in your Digital Music Player device, it
will automatically open “Music Express” and display its
contents in “My music player” mode. (For more information
please refer to the help file in the software.)
Device Auto-Detect
The Device Auto-Detect detects your Digital Music Player
as soon as you plug it into the USB port. The "Music
Express" software opens in "My music player" mode,
displaying the contents of your Digital Music Player and
allowing for upload of new songs. (Only Content that was
uploaded through "Music Express").
The "Music Express" Auto-Detect icon
appears in the
notification area on system startup.
To disable the Auto-Detect on startup, right click on the Auto-
Detect icon in the notification area and press "Preferences" or
press the "Preferences" button in "Music Express" main window
and uncheck the check box.