Guided Tour - VX2510 & VX2515 Front Panel
5. Compression control - This determines the amount of compression (peak
signal reduction) by simultaneously adjusting both threshold and compres-
sion ratio (which ranges from 2:1 to infinity [limiting]). At the fully coun
terclockwise “Off” position, the circuitry is bypassed and no compression is
applied (the knob clicks when set to the “Off” position). As the knob is raised
clockwise (at settings from “1” to “∞”) increasing amounts of compression are
applied. For more information, see the “About Compression” section on page
12 of this manual.
6. Graphic Equalizer In/Out switch - When pressed in (the “In” position), the
Model 2500’s graphic equalizer circuitry (as described in #7 below) is opera
tional. When pressed out (the “Out” position), it is bypassed. The provision of
this switch allows you to set up a custom equalization curve (an equalization
“preset”) with the graphic EQ sliders, which can then be activated with the
press of a single button.
7. Graphic Equalizer - These sliders allow you to “draw” the tonal response of
the system by adding 15 dB of boost or attenuation to ten different narrow-
band frequency areas (30 Hz, 64 Hz, 125 Hz, 250 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 3
kHz, 5 kHz, and 8 kHz), affecting the main output signal of the Model 2500.
When a slider is at its center detented (“0”) position, the selected frequency
area is unaffected (it is said to be flat). When a slider is moved up (above
the “0” position, towards the “+15” position), the selected frequency area
is boosted, and when it is moved down (below the “0” position, towards the
“-15” position), the selected frequency area is attenuated. For more informa
tion, see the “About Equalization” section on pages 10 - 11 of this manual.
8. Contour Low Pass control - This acts as a broad-band low frequency
equalizer, providing 18 dB of boost or attenuation at 100 Hz. You should
generally adjust this control (and the Contour High Pass control, described
in #9 below) prior to “fine-tuning” the system with the graphic equalizer (as
described in #7 above). For more information, see the “About Equalization”
section on pages 10 - 11 of this manual.
9. Contour High Pass control - This acts as a broad-band high frequency
equalizer, providing 18 dB of boost or attenuation at 10 kHz. You should
generally adjust this control (and the Contour Low Pass control, described
in #8 above) prior to “fine-tuning” the system with the graphic equalizer (as
described in #7 above). For more information, see the “About Equalization”
section on pages 10 - 11 of this manual.
10. Master Volume control - This is the overall volume control. For best
signal-to-noise ratio, keep the output of your bass at or near maximum and
adjust the amp’s Master Volume to the desired level.
11. Power LED - Lights whenever the Model 2500 is powered on.
12. Power switch - Use this to power the Model 2500 on or off.