1) Normal
Sets the picture to 4:3 normal mode(This is the standard TV screen size.)
2) Wide
Sets the picture to 16:9 wide mode.
This feature does not work in PIP mode.
Sleep Timer
Automatically shuts off the screen at a pre-programmed time (30 min., 60 min., 120 min.)
Enable or disable
caption feature and set the appearance of caption text.
V - Chip
(more information)
Protects children from viewing inappropriate programs by blocking certain broadcast or video
The channel system can be set in several different ways.
Select a channel system that is being used in your region.
2) Auto program
The TV automatically cycles through all of the available channels and stores them in memory.
In rare cases, "Auto program" may miss a couple of channels due to weak signals or for other
reasons such as a channel does not exist when "Auto program" is executed.
3) Fine Tune
Due to weak signals or an incorrect antenna configuration, some of the channels may not be tuned
4) Add/Erase
Adds or erases channels from the memory.
5) LNA
(Low Noise Amplifier)
Amplifies signals when antenna reception is poor. However if incoming signals are interfering with
each other, turn off LNA as it may malfuction.
STD, HRC and IRC identify various types of cable TV systems.
Contact your local cable company to identify the type of cable system that exists in your particular
2. TV Screen
This takes about one to two minutes.
Adjusting Your LCD Monitor - On-Screen Display
User's Guide T 34
SyncMaster 152MP