A DISA alarm will warn the customer if the DISA security system has been triggered
by too many incorrect password attempts. The alarm can ring any station or group
of stations and show an appropriate display at the assigned stations.
The iDCS 500 continuously performs internal system diagnostics. When either a
major or minor fault is detected the system can ring stations with an ALARM KEY
assigned. The keyset display shows information that includes the description, lo-
cation and date and time stamp for each alarm.
A log of 100 alarms are stored in a buffer and can be reviewed at a display keyset
or sent to a printer (see sample Alarm Report in section 4.11 of this document).
NOTE: System Maintenance Alarms are only available and with a LAN module
installed on the MCP card.
Each station, station group and outside line can have an 11 character directory
name. This name will appear on keyset displays to provide additional information
about lines and stations.
The iDCS 500 supports two forms of tenant service as detailed below.
SYSTEM SPLITTING: In the first form there are several programs that allow the idcs
500 to be installed in tenant applications. These features allow a technician to split
the system in two with each tenant having individual control over operator groups,
page zones, speed dial numbers, night service (manual or automatic), DISA and
customer level programming. Each tenant is totally separate in the system and no
intercom calling between tenants is permitted.
PORT SPLITTING: In this form of tenant services system programming is used to
allow or deny access for making and receiving calls on a per station basis. These
settings can be applied to Trunks, trunk groups, stations and station groups. This
allows common items on the system such as the operator group and LCR to be
used by everyone on the system while ensuring that each company can only ac-
cess their own lines and incoming calls.
There are 500 allow and 500 deny entries of 11 digits each. Each of these entries
can apply to dialing classes B, C, D , E, F and G. Expensive 976, 1-900, 411 and
operator-assisted calls, as well as specific area and office codes, can be allowed
or denied on a per-class basis. Class A stations have no dialing restrictions and
Class H stations cannot make outside calls.