
Photo Gallery mode
Album mode : Images play back by album.
If a memory card is not inserted, Personal / Family / Friend / Event albums can't
be selected. All of images saved in the internal memory play back.
Selecting an album
You can select an album by using the smart button.
Before selecting an album, insert images into
albums (p.38).
: All images save in the memory play back
Images saved in the Personal album play back.
: Images saved in the Family album play back.
: Images saved in the Friends album play back.
: Images saved in the Events album play back.
Adding images in an album
Press the Album menu button and the menus
shown below will display.
- Moving cursor / Selecting an image
: Smart button (Horizontal)
- Selecting images : By pressing the smart button,
images you want can be selected one at a time.
Selecting / Cancelling an album : Each album button
: Adding images in the Personal album.
: Adding images in the Family album.
: Adding images in the Friends album.
: Adding images in the Events album.
- Moving to previous menu : BACK button
Select: View:BACK