7 Network
13 Repeat the entry process for each field in the IP Address.
If you make a mistake when entering a number, re-enter the number to correct it. You can also
press the or button to change the number one unit at a time.
14 When done entering the IP Address, press [ ].
15 Press the button to go to the Subnet Mask fields, and then press [ ].
16 Repeat the same entry process for Subnet Mask, Gateway, and DNS Server.
17 When done, select OK at the bottom of the page, and then press [ ]. The network connection
screen appears and the verification process starts. When the connection has been verified, the
“Internet is connected successfully.” message appears.
7.1.5 WPS(PBC)
How to set up using WPS(PBC)
If your router has a WPS(PBC) button, follow these steps.
1 Go to Network Setting screen.
2 Select Start, press [ ], and then press [ ] again.
3 Press the WPS(PBC) button on your router within 2 minutes. Your product automatically acquires all
the network setting values it needs and connects to your network.
4 The network connection screen appears, and network setup is done.